- First off - congrats to all that got accepted into #GoogleEI #MTV16. This post is not to take away from your accomplishment!
So how did I get to JOY? Here are the things I focused on the most.
Rejection does mean I'm not an Innovator it just means there are other fantastic individuals out there that are just as passionate about changing the world of education. This is their turn to rock it out - not mine. My time will come, it just is not today
Why should I be down when the outcome is to find innovative ways to connect educators to create better and more meaningful ways influence educator and the students we teach. Just becuase I am not part of the program doesn't mean that change isn't going to happen.
The first thing I did - after read through the waves of acceptance tweets and retweets - I went back and followed each and every person that applied and got into the program. The purpose of applying to the Google Innovator Program was to connect and work with passionate, driven, and optomistic individuals that wanted to create a better world for education. That can STILL happen! By following these amazing people I believe I have just created a stronger PLN.
This was the first of many Google Certificed Educator Programs. It seems there may even be another opprotunity to apply in March! All that means is to keep working. The program connects people ready to make a difference, not people would just want a pretty badge that says "Innovator." That means I need to keep doing what I'm doing and continue to try to change the world of education for my students. I plan to continue to blog, connect via Twitter chats, and continue presenting at #GAFEsummits and around my district.My husband asked "Are you bummed?"
My husband asked if I was upset.I replied "Of course I was bummed, this is something I really want." He then smiled and said "I'm just glad that is present tense and you are not giving up. Not getting in this round will make it just that much sweeter when you do."He's right - but do not tell him I said that.... he'll get a big head ;-D
In the end, so what....it was not my time - and maybe it wasn't yours. It doesn't mean you should stop trying, it means LETS CONNECT! COMMENT ON MY BLOG, FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER and GOOGLE+ even E-MAIL ME. I want to work with you. Instead of sulking I want to work together we can make a difference! How could that not bring out the JOY in the situation? My journey isn't even close to being over.
Rejection won't stop me!
I hope it doesn't stop you either.