A little bit about Google Certified Innovator can be found on the Google for Education Trainer page.
Be aware - this is not something you can apply to in about 15 minutes. It is for sure a commitment! You first need to pass the Google Educator Level two. Again this is not for the faint of heart. This 3-hour exam is the future of assessments! I signed a NDA so I can't give too much away but you are not just checking off multiple-choice questions you are CREATING the same way you use Google Applications every day!!! It does cost $10 but for me - I enjoyed EVERY second and I'd do it all over again (and I'll have to in 24 months to keep my certification). Check out my badge!!
Now I doubt many people will read this but since this is my portfolio I thought I would share parts of my application! Now note you do not receive a copy of your submission, so if you plan to remember what you said - write it in a Google Doc! Luckily the Google for Edu website gives a great outline you can follow so you don't miss a beat.
So here is my Ideal Learning Space - I used Paper 53 (WHAT AN AMAZING APP) and I got a little artsy. Then I uploaded it to make a thinglink - NERD ALERT! Feel free to poke around. (FYI how amazing that you can embed a thinglink in your blog?!)
Then my Vision Slidedeck. I made it in Google Slides (as they asked). The goal was to "This is an opportunity to share your initial vision for an innovative solution to a current problem in education -- at any scale... from classroom concerns to global issues. Please articulate the problem you hope to solve, and explain your idea for an innovative solution. If you are selected to participate in the Innovator Program and attend the Innovation Academy, you will have the opportunity to iterate on this initial vision, so please focus more on exploring new possibilities with great potential rather than fleshing out a complete solution you're already confident in."
And last but not least - my Vision in video form. You only get 1 min - HARDEST THING TO DO EVER! I decided to make mine in iMovie and upload straight to youtube. It's titled "WHY NOT ME?" It is about how I want to help and develop new shortcuts and Add-ons to make teacher's lives easier and save time so they will use technology more often and more efficiently in the classroom.
It's not perfect - but who is?! I'm just happy and honored I got to selfishly take so much time to think about what I want to do in the future as an educator. How many times do we really take time to just think about changing the future?! No matter what I'll hear in a week. My hopes might be too high, as this is the first round of Google Certified Innovator and there are some AMAZING and innovative people out there, but no matter what I'm honored to have a chance to apply. The reason I applied is to join a community and even just in applying I've already met some great educators that want to make a different. I hope to meet a few of them one day.
And of course - if I do - I'll share it with you.
So that's a wrap! I hope you enjoy - I sure did!!!!
Melissa, thank you so much for sharing your application. It was extremely Innovative and original. Love it! Good luck!